55 the buffalo connection


The Buffalo Connection

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Here at The Buffalo Connection we are excited to offer you multiple options regarding your next Muskox hunting adventure!  In the Canadian north, we have 3 great hunting options...and below we have included a description regarding what to expect from each hunting opportunity!  The far north has some incredible hunting opportunities, and we can help you with them all.   
1.   Summer/Fall Barren Ground Muskox (Contwoyto Lake, Nunavut)
2.   Spring Greenland Muskox (Holman, Northwest Territories)
3.   Spring Barren Ground Muskox (Parry Bay, Nunavut)

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(July & August)

July and August muskox hunting at its finest!  Summertime in the arctic is incredible, the abundance of new life and the vibrant flora and fauna is a sight to see, but what is more impressive is...the muskox rut. Muskox rut from early to mid July right through to the end of August and makes for an exciting time to hunt these prehistoric creatures. Hunters can comfortably hunt with light clothing and do not have to worry about frostbite or bitterly cold winds. This hunt is quickly catching on with the North American sportsman.

Most hunters generally tag out in the first few days of hunting if the weather cooperates, and spend the rest of the time fishing for arctic grayling, big lake trout and land locked arctic char.

Our camp on Contwoyto Lake sits 250 miles northeast of Yellowknife, just above the tree line, in the heart of the best traditionally known hunting ground. For centuries the area around Contwoyto Lake has been known as the epicenter of wildlife and today is no different. Hunting pressure is virtually nonexistent as the nearest community is over 100 miles away, and travel to the area is impossible except by air.

 Our camp consists of two heated 12x24 Arctic Oven tents for sleeping quarters furnished with cots and four-inch foam mattresses to sleep on, a plywood frame kitchen tent, plus a couple guide’s tents and caping/skinning tent. The cooks serve up great meals, which often include muskox and freshly caught fish.
Temperatures range from 45°F to 80°F in July and down to 28°F to 60°F by mid August.

6 - day Muskox Hunt / $16,000
Non hunter - $3,500 plus charter fee
Float plane Charter from Yellowknife to camp and back...$2,200
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 (April & August Onward)

The town of Ulukhaktok, formally know as Holman, sits on the Northwest Territories side of Victoria Island.  The muskox here is a symbol of the arctic and has sustained life for many northerners in years when the main source of food, the caribou, was scarce. 
On the springtime hunts, mid March to the end of April, you can expect to see between 50 - 150 muskox, in 5 days of hunting. You will have the opportunity to pass up smaller bulls and look for a large trophy bull if size is of importance to you. On the fall hunts the traveling is much more difficult and you cannot cover as much ground as in the springtime. But there is something to be said about hunting muskox in comfortable weather without snow blowing in your eyes that makes seeing less animals worth it. 
Both spring and fall hunts have their pros and cons and it really is just up to the hunter as to what he would prefer. Personally, we think the arctic in the spring is something that every person needs to experience at least once in their life. Daylight is nearly 24 hours in length and there is an energy and excitement in the air that only spring weather can bring. 
Average temperature of 1F in April (Spring Season)
The fall season starts on August 15th, and runs all winter. Average August temperatures are 43F. 
***For you archery hunters the fall hunt is the better choice, as its much easier to stalk the muskox*** 
6 - Day Muskox Hunt / $9,500 
Flights into Holman will cost about $2,000 Canadian
Jays muskox


(March - April)
Hunting muskox out of Parry Bay in an arctic winter environment is an adventure that every serious outdoorsman needs to experience at least once in their life. You can talk to any experienced worldwide hunter and ask them what hunts stand out in their memory; I will guarantee that a cold-weather muskox hunt will be named in the top five, and nearly everyone would jump at the chance to do it again. Cold weather hunting is something that cannot be described until it is experienced for yourself. 
Our camp sits on the southwest end of the peninsula, just over a hundred miles from Cambridge Bay. We are the only outfitter hunting on the peninsula. On average, the trip from Cambridge Bay to camp takes about seven hours with snowmobiles.
The camp consists of three insulated cabins, all heated by oil stoves. There is a fairly large cabin where the hunters stay in and there are only 4 hunters in the camp at a time. Beds and foam mattresses are provided but do bring a sleeping bag. Food is prepared hot and fresh each day by your camp cook, perfect after a long day of hunting.  The morning after you land in Cambridge Bay you will pack your bags onto the guide's sleds and hop in for the day-long ride to our camp at Parry Bay. 
5 - Day Barren Ground Muskox hunt / $11,500
$2,200 return air charter from Yellowknife to camp and back 
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***On most hunts one can also hunt wolf, wolverine and fox.  Expect license / tags fees on all hunts listed above, and a 5% GST***

PLEASE NOTE:  We also offer specialized arctic wolf hunts, and adventure hunts for arctic grizzly and polar bear too!  

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We listen to your dreams and make them your reality. Contact us today to schedule a free Hunting consultation.